Week 5-8
Week 8:
A very big hello to my Piano Class members and all SRC participants in general. This week, in keeping with our theme of exploring the background and history of the modern piano, I’d like to share with you a short video that “sums up” the History of the Modern Piano quite nicely:
“A Brief History of the Piano”:
To stay with our theme for a bit longer, since we have explored other keyboard instruments that were precursors to the modern Piano as we know it, I thought it might be interesting to explore other instruments that are in the general category of Keyboard Instruments.Today, I bring to you another short video of a keyboard instruments that I am almost POSITIVE you have heard before but am nearly certain you most likely have never learned about! (have I peaked your interest yet?)Introducing the Celesta! Check out this short video for a brief introduction to this keyboard instruments: The Celesta:
BONUS VIDEO: And now for your weekly dose of a Henry (Hank) Shapiro concert. Since I was a tad “late to the game”, we are a touch behind in posting his weekly online gigs that he has been doing since this all began. Though I know some of you are now tuning in and watching some of his live gigs (and past gigs), I will continue posting his live gig videos that are put up on Youtube for those who may not have Facebook or simply for easy access. Feel free to share with loved ones or friends who may also enjoy a “virtual concert”Henry Shapiro live April 18th gig:
Week 7:
Hello and all the bet to my Piano Classes and all SRC participants in general- this week’s General Music/Piano videos are a continuation of our theme of the history of keyboard instruments through the years: The Background, History and Development of the Modern Piano. Last week we finished the 2 part video series introducing us to the older keyboard instruments: clavichord, harpsichord and the fortepiano of Mozart and mid-Beethoven era. I’m hoping you found these videos as educational and utterly fascinating as I did! This week, as I promised last week, I’d like to zero in a bit more on the Clavichord and the Harpsichord.Next week, we will most likely sum up our theme with a bit of a summation video as well as introducing you to a completely different keyboard instrument!But for now, please enjoy a spotlight video on the Clavicord:
As well as a spotlight video focused on the Harpsichord: wait there’s more….. 🙂
WEEK 7: BONUS VIDEO: So did everyone enjoy last week’s Hank Shapiro “concert” video? Well, technically the video I shared was from one of his first “online facebook live” gigs back in late March. I’d like to share yet another of his LiveStreamed virtual gigs that are also being put up on Youtube. Has anyone else on Facebook been tuning in to hear him Saturdays “Live at 5”? What fun! Here is his virtual gig from March 28th:
Oh and his “gigs” have been getting news coverage (both TV & radio evidently)!Here’s a clip for your interest: safe, stay healthy, be well friends!
Week 6:
Hello again to my Piano Classes and all SRC participants in general- this week’s General Music/Piano videos are a continuation of last week’s theme: The Background, History and Development of the Modern Piano. In continuing to look at keyboard instruments that came before the modern piano as we know it, let’s continue by making sure that we finish Part 2 of our video series that we began last week.Pt 2: – Highlights the piano of Mozart’s age/mid Beethoven era compared to our modern age piano.To supplement our Part 2 video, here is another video that focuses on showing and teaching you about the fortepiano of Mozart’s age:
Next time, we will continue our focus on keyboard instruments through the years by going back and focusing a bit more on the clavichord and harpsichord. But wait….there’s more this week….
BONUS VIDEO- Week 6:This week I have a special bonus video treat that was simply too good to wait. Just a handful of days ago, thanks to Judy and David Greenberg* from our Monday Piano Class, I discovered that the talented piano man Hank Shapiro is STILL at it. For those of you on facebook (and I believe it is still ‘viewable’ through the web link even if you are not on facebook), Henry (Hank) Shapiro is on facebook and has been doing Facebook Live ‘gigs’ every Saturday at 5pm for weeks now! I tuned in and what a treat to have a little half hour concert! His page can be viewed here:’d encourage you to scroll back and view past Saturday ‘gig videos’ that he has been live streaming these past few weeks.BUT I did the work FOR you and I realized that a previous viewer has already posted one of his live gigs up on youtube for others to enjoy. Hank Shapiro Live (Saturday, March 21):! 🙂 *Special thanks to Judy & David Greenberg for dropping a line to let me (and therefore ‘us’) know about this! *
Week 5:
Hello to my Piano Classes and all SRC participants in general- this week’s General Music/Piano video kicks off a new theme to our website videos: The Background, History and Development of the Modern Piano. I thought it would be interesting to use this time and resource of a website forum to learn more together about how the modern piano came to be and the journey of precursor keyboard instruments before the piano as we know it. This week, please enjoy Part 1 of a 2 part series on precursor keyboard instruments: the clavichord, the harpsichord and an early “mid-Beethoven” version of the piano. I found this VERY interesting and the presentation to be a good mix of technical detail, anecdotal trivia and artistic demonstration on each instrument. You know those old sayings about how we can’t really move forward, until we look back at where we have been?Haha, let’s do the same with the piano for a time! Journey with me, won’t you?
Lunch & Learn – Monday, September 11th at 12 Noon at the Chester Library will be posted shortly
Beer-Making – June 6, 13, 20, 27
Beer-Making Workshop Catherine Segal, Senior Resource Center Board Member and beer aficionado, led us in a beer-making workshop last month! The class started with mashing, separating, boiling, stirring, and fermenting. Everyone was very busy planning the different...
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